Construction of the Village Gardens Townhomes is nearing completion. As the project seeks final signoff from the City, we are simultaneously preparing for a ribbon-cutting ceremony this month which will be live-streamed on our Facebook page. We are currently projected to begin sales in late April 2022, but many factors can impact schedule. Ten (10) of the townhomes will be income restricted and applications will be submitted directly to Homestead C
LT; the six (6) remaining homes will be sold without income restrictions and listed on the MLS.
Applicants on Homestead's Interest List will receive an email when applications are open for the 10 income-restricted homes. Please visit our website at www.homesteadclt.org/become-a-homeowner/program-eligibility to see if you are eligible to apply for these homes and to be added to our interest list.
For more information about the application process for the 10 income-restricted homes please register to attend our online information session on Thursday, April 21st at 5pm. Click here to register.
Village Gardens Townhomes is a development of 16 homes developed by Homestead Community Land Trust, a nonprofit organization, in partnership with Edge Developers. It has been named in honor of the prior use of the site by a diverse “village” of neighbors as an informal community garden.
Village Gardens Townhomes offer three bedrooms and two bathrooms, are built with environmentally sensitive materials and will not utilize fossil fuels for cooking or heating. Homes are constructed with solar panels installed. Homestead and Edge are partnering with Africatown Community Land Trust on outreach to potential buyers who have historical ties to the area.
Those interested in purchasing a home on the site can apply through our website homesteadclt.org (see Become a Homeowner section).